Wednesday, July 31, 2013


so, i've been all over the spectrum with regards to diet...vegetarian, vegan, raw vegan, omnivore, paleo, primal, but i find that eating primal and/or paleo seems to help my digestion the best. I'm keeping this brief at the moment, but will be posting regularly for at the very least the next month as i am going to be doing my second Whole 30 challenge starting next tuesday (the day after my next grocery shopping trip). my grandmother who lives with me will be eating Whole 30 compliant at least half the time and my kids will be eating Whole 30 compliant with a few allowances/adaptations such as them being allowed compliant snacks. i am preparing by doing some major cleaning and clearing out and setting up a meal plan and grocery list...i set a food budget that i really need to stick to (absolute maximum is $175 per week, but i really need to stay closer to $125 per week). i have a lot of weight to loose, but more importantly is getting my digestive health and overall health in order.

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